Rhophylac Injection Anti D 300mcg Pre-Filled Syringe


(4 customer reviews)

Rhophylac contains Rho (D) Immune Globulin which is now available in Pakistan at Online Pharmacy. The price range of Rhophylac 300mcg is Rs 12,000/-. to Rs 15,000/-.

Product Description:

Brand: CSL Behring
Packet Size: 1’s Syringe
Active ingredient: Human anti-d immunoglobulin
Manufacturer: Behring/Hakimsons
Treatment: Prevent the mother’s immune system from developing antibodies during Pregnancy.

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Uses of the Rhophylac Injection

Here are the main uses of Rhophylac:

Preventing Rh D isoimmunization in pregnancy: Given after delivery or during pregnancy to prevent an Rh-negative mother’s immune system from attacking Rh-positive fetal blood cells, protecting future pregnancies.

Preventing Rh D isoimmunization after incompatible blood transfusions: Given to destroy Rh-positive red blood cells before they can trigger an immune response in an Rh-negative individual who accidentally received Rh-positive blood.

Treating ITP in adults: Used to temporarily increase platelet count in adults with ITP who haven’t had their spleen removed.

How Does Rhophylac Injection Work?

Rhophylac works in a fascinating way to prevent a potentially harmful immune reaction in Rh-negative individuals. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Understanding Rh Factor:

Our blood has a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either positive or negative. Around 85% of people are Rh-positive, while the remaining 15% are Rh-negative.

2. Rh incompatibility During Pregnancy:

If a Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive baby, their blood types are incompatible. During pregnancy or delivery, some of the baby’s Rh-positive red blood cells can leak into the mother’s circulation.

3. Immune System’s Response:

The mother’s immune system recognizes these Rh-positive cells as foreign and starts producing antibodies to attack them.

4. The Problem:

If the mother gets pregnant with another Rh-positive baby in the future, these antibodies can attack the baby’s red blood cells, leading to a serious condition called hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). HDN can cause anemia, jaundice, and even brain damage in the baby.

5. Rhophylac to the Rescue:

This is where Rhophylac comes in. It contains pre-made anti-D antibodies specifically targeted against the Rh-D factor.

6. Neutralizing the Threat:

When injected into the Rh-negative mother after delivery or during specific pregnancy events, these anti-D antibodies quickly bind to any leaked Rh-positive fetal red blood cells in her circulation.

7. Preventing Antibody Formation:

This binding prevents the mother’s immune system from recognizing and attacking the Rh-positive cells. As a result, her body doesn’t produce its own anti-D antibodies, protecting future Rh-positive pregnancies from HDN.

How Should You Take Rhophylac 300mcg Injection?

When you’re ready to use the Rhophylac 300mcg syringe, it’s important to make sure it’s at room temperature. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

Inspect the Syringe: Before using it, take a moment to visually inspect the syringe. Check for any particulate matter or discoloration that might indicate a problem.

Remove the Cap: To open the syringe, twist off the clear syringe cap using your thumb and forefinger. Remember, don’t try to snap it off – twisting is the safer method.

Attach the Syringe to the Adapter: Now, take the Rhophylac syringe and attach it to the SAFSITE® adapter valve. Do this by turning the syringe until it feels firmly seated on the valve.

Administer Rhophylac: Once the syringe is securely attached, you’re ready to administer Rhophylac.

Remove and Dispose: After administering, remove the SAFSITE® adapter valve with the attached syringe from the IV port. It’s crucial to dispose of the used syringe and any remaining product or waste material responsibly. Follow local requirements for medical waste disposal.

By following these steps, you can safely and effectively use the Rhophylac syringe. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional for assistance.

When it comes to administering Rhophylac 300mcg syringe, the dosage you’ll need depends on your weight and the specific condition being treated. Here’s a breakdown of the general dosage guidelines:

Postpartum Prophylaxis:

Dosage: For this purpose, a single dose of 300 micrograms (1500 IU) is typically recommended.

Administration: This dose can be given through either intravenous or intramuscular injection.

Treatment of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP):

Dosage for ITP: If you’re being treated for ITP, the recommended dose is 250 IU (50 mcg) per kg of your body weight.

Calculating Your Dosage: To figure out the right dosage, use this formula: Dose (IU) x body weight (kg) = Total IU / 1500 IU per syringe = Number of syringes needed.

Always remember, these are general guidelines and your healthcare provider will give you specific instructions based on your individual needs. It’s important to follow their directions closely to ensure you’re using Rhophylac safely and effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about your dosage, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider for more information.

Warnings and Precautions of Rhophylac Injection

Warnings and Precautions of Rhophylac Injection

Before taking Rhophylac, it’s crucial to be aware of certain warnings and precautions to ensure its safe and effective use. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects you should know:

Warnings and Precautions:

Hypersensitivity reactions: While rare, Rhophylac can cause hypersensitivity reactions. Be aware of potential symptoms like hives, itching, difficulty breathing, wheezing, dizziness, fainting, or rapid heartbeat. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.

Transmissible infectious agents: Although the risk is minimized through stringent manufacturing processes and donor screening, there is a theoretical possibility of transmitting infectious agents like viruses or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) through Rhophylac. Inform your healthcare provider if you develop any concerning symptoms after receiving the medication.

Increased severity of anemia in ITP treatment: If you have ITP and are receiving Rhophylac, be aware that it might temporarily worsen your anemia. Close monitoring by your healthcare provider is crucial in such cases.

Pre-existing anemia in ITP treatment: If you already have anemia before receiving Rhophylac for ITP treatment, the medication might further decrease your red blood cell count. Your doctor will carefully assess the risks and benefits before deciding on this treatment approach.

Monitoring after administration: After receiving Rhophylac, you will be monitored for at least 20 minutes for any signs of allergic reactions. Epinephrine should be readily available in case of emergencies.

Possible Side Effects of Rhophylac Injection

Possible Side Effects of Rhophylac Injection

Like all medicines, Rhophylac may cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.

The most common side effects of Rhophylac include
injection-site pain

Other possible side effects include hypersensitivity reactions

chest tightness,
Mild extravascular hemolysis (manifested by an increase in bilirubin and a decrease in hemoglobin) was also observed.

Reviews (4)

4 reviews for Rhophylac Injection Anti D 300mcg Pre-Filled Syringe

  1. Qaiser amin

    Placed my order on time. Five stars!!

  2. Wasim Abdullah

    Very reliable service and customer service helped me with all my questions.

  3. mehmood ali

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  4. Akram

    I appreciate the detailed product description it was very informative.

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